Green Party ensures focus on most vulnerable in new round of Cost of Living supports

The Green Party has ensured that the latest round of cost of living supports announced by Government today (February 21st) are focused on supporting those most in need. Among the measures outlined today are an extra €100 Child Benefit payment, an additional €100 for the Back to School Clothing allowance and a €200 lump sum to all long-term social welfare recipients.
Marc Ó Cathasaigh TD, Green Party spokesperson for Social Protection, said;
“The Government’s decision today to focus on supports that will help children, low-income families and those relying on social welfare payments is a positive and progressive response to pressures that are outside Irish people’s control. No-one likes seeing prices increasing but some people are finding it particularly difficult to meet their costs. The Green Party has always believed that it was vital that the State’s response was focused on where it was needed most.”
Senator Róisin Garvey, Green Party spokesperson for Rural Development, said;
“The €470 million package of measures for social protection recipients will target assistance to families with children, lone parents, carers, pensioners and those with disabilities. This includes a reduction of VAT on tourism to 9%, an extra €100 Child Benefit payment and an additional €100 for the Back to School Clothing allowance, which will come as welcome news to thousands of families.”
Other measures announced today include the widening of the Hot School Meals programme which will see it extended to all DEIS primary schools from September, benefiting 64,500 children. Work will also begin on extending the programme to non-DEIS primary schools. State Examination fees will be waived for students sitting the Junior and Leaving Certificate this year, while the price of school transport will be limited to €50 per pupil at primary level and €75 per pupil at post-primary level, with a cap per family of €125.