Greens propose supports to protect victims of coercive control

This evening in the Seanad, Senator Vincent P. Martin’s cross-party Bill entitled Domestic Violence (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2024 successfully passed Second Stage. This Bill proposes to extend to the victims of coercive control the same protection when attending court as applies in section 34 of the Domestic Violence Act 2018 to those attending court for a breach of safety, barring and other orders under the Domestic Violence Act 2018.
At present those attending court to give evidence as potential victims of coercive control are treated differently. This is because the restrictions in relation to those who may be present in courtrooms do not apply in court proceedings concerning the offence of coercive control nor does the prohibition on publication or broadcast apply.
Commenting on the Bill, Senator Martin said;
"The purpose of this legislative proposal is to safe guard a victim of coercive control’s right to privacy. The proposal provides for a type of “in-camera” rule for coercive control cases as already applies in the operation of family law proceedings. When the Bill is enacted it will hopefully prevent some victims of coercive control from being dissuaded or disincentivised from seeking protection of the courts."