Made contraception free for 17-35 year olds

The Green Party has long campaigned for free access to contraception, and secured a commitment in the Programme for Government to provide free contraception on a phased basis. Based on census data from 2016, it is estimated that around 600,000 women in the 17-35 age cohort will be able to avail of free contraception under this scheme, and could see savings of up to €470 on long-acting reversible contraception (i.e. contraceptive implant, injection, IUCD or IUS).
Over 2,200 GPs, primary care centres, family planning centres and student health clinics have signed contracts with the HSE to provide services under the scheme, and over 1,850 pharmacies are also participating in the scheme.
Cost should not be a barrier for women to access the contraception that works best for them. Free contraceptives will allow women to make informed decisions with their doctor about their own bodies and the method of contraception that best meets their needs.