Over €130m for arts and culture secured by Minister Catherine Martin in Budget 2023

Green Party Minister for Culture and Arts Catherine Martin, today (27 September) secured a record €130m funding for the Arts Council in Budget 2023 for the third year in a row.
Minister Martin stated;
“The Green Party has a long history of supporting arts and culture in Ireland and as Minister I am delighted to secure this continued investment in the sector for 2023. This funding recognises the value that the creative community including professionals, organisations and community groups, bring to our society and also acknowledges the impact that Covid 19 continues to have on audience engagement. As with all other sectors, the cost of living crisis is yet another hurdle that the arts community is facing.
“However, I am optimistic that this continued level of support will not just provide some measure of security but help to continue to grow Ireland’s reputation for punching above our weight in creative talent and output. We need the arts more than ever to help inspire us to imagine and create a better future.”
The funding will be invested through the Arts Council in over 100 organisations, over 40 Arts Centres, over 200 festivals and thousands of artists.
The Minister also secured funding for the Night Time Economy, artist studios and a guarantee for 2,000 grants recently announced for artists and creative arts workers through the once-in-a-generation Basic Income for the Arts Pilot Scheme.
Minister Martin added;
“Many people working in the Arts Sector face precarious employment, with income varying commission to commission, gig to gig. Trialling a basic income over the next three years will allow these artists to fully engage with their creative practices with the security of income certainty. The learnings from this pilot will inform how we can continue to sustain and nurture our creative talents.”
Minister Martin has also ensured that a special provision of €60m will be provided to offset energy costs resulting from the fossil fuel crisis for arts, sports, Gaeltacht and community organisations.
This funding recognises the value that the creative community including professionals, organisations and community groups, bring to our society.