Aisling Maloney

It is time we stand for up progressive values and push Tipperary County Council in a more forward-looking, environmentally conscious direction that reflects the concerns of our communities.
As your representative for Roscrea-Templemore, I will champion an inclusive, community-led approach to local politics that tackles the core challenges facing our area such as biodiversity loss, brain drain and economic decline.
Protect, preserve and promote areas of cultural and historical significance - we are so lucky to have sites like Roscrea Castle and the Devil's Bit at our doorstop and it is essential that these sites are properly invested in, looked after and made reachable by public transport. This will help attract sustainable tourism to rural Tipperary.
Support small farmers in diversifying - the current climate crisis poses an existential threat to farmers. I would ensure these farmers are given the supports necessary to incorporate tillage, forestry and horticulture and adopt sustainable farming methods.
Rejuvenation of rural communities - I would work to ensure that community initiatives, small businesses and our burgeoning arts industry are invested in and supported so that our vibrant rural communities can thrive.