Lorraine Benson

For sustainable development, social justice and our environment
Road Safety– Pedestrians should be safe and have priority in our towns and villages. I want to see the new 30km speed limit implemented. Our towns and villages must be people friendly for young and old with safer roads, good footpaths, safe crossings and better public spaces.
Water Quality & Environment - Many of our rivers and streams in Kildare are not healthy or in good condition. These are the source of our drinking water. I want to see improved water quality. Everyone should be confident that the water from our taps is safe and that our rivers are clean.
Public Transport - While some of our towns are well connected, some are still not. With a growing population needing access to amenities and services I will work with our communities and the Transport Authority to increase our local link bus services.
Lorraine is an environmental scientist working in Kildare. She has first-hand knowledge of the challenges and development pressures facing our environment and our communities. An effective campaigner, she has secured recognition in our County Development Plan for our Kildare peatlands which are critical for nature restoration. Lorraine believes we can reverse biodiversity decline in our county by working with the Council and our communities. Lorraine is a new candidate and will work to deliver green policies at local level including climate action, sustainable planning and social justice for Kildare.