Maolíosa Ní Chléirigh

Na Déise le chéile ar son todhchaí geal, glan agus glas.
Together for a bright, clean, green future.
Oibreoidh mé ar son timpeallacht álainn, fholláin agus slán.
As your representative in Waterford City South, I will work for a beautiful, healthy and safe environment.
Timpeallacht álainn, fholláin, slán: Oibreoidh mé chun áiseanna, ar nós páirceanna dúlra, binsí scíthe, crainnte, áiteanna spraoi agus fóillíochta a fheabhsú.
A beautiful, healthy, safe environment: I will work to improve amenities such as nature parks, rest benches, trees, play and leisure areas.
Iompar: Éileoidh me cosáin agus bóithre sábháilte, níos mó busanna, agus táillí níos ísle.
Transport: I will prioritise safe footpaths and roads, more buses and lower fares.
Tithíocht: Caithfimid tithe tréigthe a athchóiriú agus iarfheistiú saor a chur ar fáil.
Housing: We must renovate derelict buildings into homes and extend affordable retrofittting.
Cónaim sa chathair. Is ball mé de gháirdín pobail agus oibrím go deonach i gclub óige. Táim ar choiste Fhéile Ealaíne 'Imagine' agus 'Autism Friendly Waterford'. Is iar-mhuinteoir mé agus tá taithí agam ar bheith ag oibriú le daoine chun spriocanna comónta a bhaint amach.
I live in the city. I'm a member of a community garden (Wyse Green Growers) and volunteer in a youth club. I am on the committee of the Imagine Arts Festival and 'Autism Friendly Waterford'.
I am a former teacher, and have experience working with people to achieve common goals.