Peadar Ó Fionnáin

I'm forging a connection between my community and green ideas.
Finding ways for my rural community to transition to a sustainable way of coexisting.
Deepening local democracy, encouraging locals to shape and engage with our future.
Find bridges between environmental activists and those being dragged reluctantly into climate adaptation.
Príomh áit a thabhairt dár gcultúr duchasach.
Being a GP brings skills in listening, decision making and managing uncertainty. It also requires me to communicate complex issues in ways that are real and understandable.
My involvement in Féile na Bealtaine arts festival has taught skills in team building, getting things done, and spending public money wisely. I connect with outsiders, underdogs, establishment figures and everyone in between.
Oibrím go minic trí meán na gaeilge.