About Us

For over 40 years the Green Party has been taking action to protect our environment, address the climate crisis, strengthen communities and create a more equal Ireland.

Green Party Annual Convention 2022

The Green Party is a grassroots, collaborative organisation working to progress climate action and environmental protection, support our communities and secure a more equal Ireland. Over the last 40 years, we have been working both in opposition and in government to drive change and deliver a just transition that protects our natural world and brings a fairer economic model for everyone.

Our organisation on the island has 12 TDs, 5 Senators, 28 Councillors, 70 Local Area Reps and 4000 members. We are creating an Ireland of warmer homes, increased employment, and healthier families. An Ireland where it is safe for children to walk and cycle to school and where public transport is frequent, affordable, and reliable. An Ireland with homes built near public services so we can enjoy vibrant town centres. An Ireland where food production is in harmony with nature, where our rivers are pristine again and the air we breathe is clean and pure. Our Green voices are in the room, at the decision making table, where we need to be.

GE2020 Manifesto thumbnail

Our Policies

Our policies are at the core of our vision for a better Ireland. With a wide range of perspectives to create common goals for the common good, they are broken down into practical, measurable actions so it is clear how they can be achieved.

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Green Party Councillors at the Local Green Group Think In 2021

Our Mission and Principles 

The Green Party is highly democratic, and members make key decisions regarding party policy, candidates for election, and rules on how the party operates

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Photo of the Green Party outside Leinster House in the 1990s

Our History

In Ireland, the Green Party (then known as the Ecology Party of Ireland) was officially formed on the 3rd of December 1981 by a group of people with a long-term vision for an Ireland that protected and enhanced our island’s natural environment, heritage, biodiversity and communities.

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The European Green Party matches at COP26 in Glagow, November 2021

European Green Party

We are a member of the European Green Party, a European political party that brings together national parties that share the same Green values, and who are active across the entire European continent.

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Green Party Kerry reps
Our People

Meet the Green Party representatives working in communities across Ireland for a better future.

Joyce Mathias
Local Green Groups

Local groups focus on what’s happening in their local area and work together to make their communities better.

Green Party representatives gather at the Natural History Museum in Dublin to call for climate action
Affiliate Groups

The Green Party has a diverse membership, people from all walks of life collaborating on our vision for a better Ireland.

Job opportunities and Internships

From our growing membership to our staff, volunteers and elected representatives, our Green Party team understands the hard work and activism it takes to drive real change at a social and political level. If you have the skills, the passion and the ambition to be part of that team, we might have a role for you.