Michelle Griffin

Cllr Michelle Griffin represents the Ongar ward, covering Ongar, Hartstown, Littlepace, Huntstown, Hansfield.
Helping to deliver community facilities, additional childcare services and youth services that serve the needs of the community. Improving community policing in Ongar.
Protecting and enhancing our environment through the implementation of the Fingal Biodiversity and Climate Action Plans to ensure a healthier future for us all.
Working with Fingal County Council to deliver more social and affordable housing, as well as protecting the rights of renters.
I was co-opted as the Green Party Councillor for the Ongar local electoral area in January 2024. Ongar Village has been my home for almost 20 years
I work in adult education, delivering creative classes and workshops in a number of community centres across Dublin 15. I’m also a committed and active volunteer within my local community. I’ve been involved with Ongar Tidy Towns, Ongar Community Garden and I’m a founding member of Blanchardstown Gardening Group.
As well as being your local representative, I will serve on the Housing Strategic Policy Committee on Fingal County Council, a member of the Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force, and a member of Comhairle na nÓg.